
Specialized Technical Teams

iTechBuddy software development experience spans numerous industries, including banking, food & beverage, gaming, healthcare, hospitality, transportation, and telecommunication. Our dedicated technical teams are industry-specific, having decades of related experience. Our experts keep up with trends, regulations, and processes.


Expedited Time to Market

iTechBuddy strategy-oriented programmers will help you substantially reduce time to market by committing to your software development projects until all project demands are met. This competitive boost gives you greater differentiation in your market.


Increase ROI

Working with a captive center like iTechBuddy reduces risk and liability for investing in offshore resources while allowing you to have a high-quality software product. You have increased ROI potential with a smaller initial investment and the opportunity to allocate funds and resources to other areas of your company.


Quality Assurance

Our seasoned engineers and experts conduct world-class quality assurance testing throughout the software development process with innovative technologies. We assess performance, security, and compatibility through manual and automated testing.